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This could get complicated

This blog has pictures of a hoof wound. No blood really, but a hole in his foot and the insides of his Coronet Band. Do not proceed if you can not deal with wound pictures.

I did not put bell boots on Mav for turn out. I am a "less is more" kind of person but apparently it backfired this time. I can only presume he grabbed himself. My screen shot from a video shows how he likely managed to grab the outside of his front foot. Unshod. And cause enough damage for one vet call so far and (hopefully only) 2 weeks off riding.

Initially, it looked innocent enough. No big deal, a little cut, slap some cream on and good to go. He was completely sound and not sensitive on it at all when touched. It actually looked like less than this with his hair covering it. You could barely see anything except that dirt stuck to it.

I asked Excellent Ground Crew member to check on it that evening. Just in case, and because I am worried about wounds on the coronet band. I was fortunate I did as she reported back it looked worse that I described. And being Excellent Ground Crew, sent a picture.

The next morning I clipped it as requested by vet. I sent her this, among others. I am fairly thorough in taking angles and variations of pictures.

Well crap. That now looks to be involving hoof wall and the entire coronet band. Not one to call the vet unless necessary, vet arranged to come out the next day to evaluate it after seeing the pictures. She cut off the flap of hoof that had now developed. We needed to both see how deep it actually was and open it to decrease the risk of infection since it was dirty.

We also discussed the possibilities during healing. All of them led to being careful at minimum for the next while until we knew how it was going to grow out. I took the upcoming horse show off the table and withdrew his entry. Fortunately the closing date was still in the future so nothing lost. His debut at a gold level show will have to wait until next year!

After cutting and checking and flushing, it was determined that it was not in the coffin joint but it was down to the Laminae in one place and therefore must be kept as clean as possible for the next while. The last thing we want is reoccurring abscesses due to trapped debris. So his foot gets wrapped. Expensive first aid tape, vet wrap and gorilla tape (the most expensive tape known to man - at least that is readily available) were obtained. Fortunately he is a great patient and submits to daily foot wrapping, poking, cleaning and general fussing. He loves the fussing part, fuss away.

Then it rained. It had been so dry and we *needed* the rain. But my wrapped foot did not. he has a nice sized in/out and I was not prepared to lock him in. Other Excellent Ground Crew member to the rescue with an old Cavallo boot. The wrap was still dry and perfect the next day! But I do not feel comfortable leaving him in the boot for long periods of time so I have not been using it in the dry weather.

Daily pictures are happening. Or at least when I have to re-wrap. I am permitted to go 2 days in a wrap but that has only happened once as everyday it has needed to be redone.

It is a fairly big hole. But even a few days later it is starting to fill in and the hairline is looking more normal.

The future in terms of how it will grow out is uncertain. We think he will, at minimum, need shoes at some point to support the hoof as it grows out and may even need to patch it for a bit. Both Farrier and Vet are confident it will be completely fine in time.

this picture is one week after injury. It is filling in nicely. No excess tissue (yet). Coronet band is starting to become more normal.

Mav? he is wondering why the sudden holiday. He likes to work. He is still getting out in a field daily but he is alone in a small one right now until he is cleared to go back in his big field with his friend. He keeps looking at me like WTF, why are we not going to work? At least he’s still getting out. I had to compromise with the vet as she did not want him out at all, so we agreed on small turnout alone. I also agreed to check and change his wrap if needed immediately after turn in. Which I have been doing religiously.

Sarcoid update, since if you made it this far, you are fine with cuts and small amounts of blood. it’s looking great! Much smaller than before and it’s been less ugly when it scabs over. The hair should all grow back normally once treatment is done.

Me, I have been catch riding at my barn. I have been grateful for people letting me get on their horses! It is so great to ride varying horses as they are all so different! 18h warmblood Kanje (belongs to Excellent Ground Crew member)

15.2h Canadian Gelding Monty. At 19 he looks and feels super!

16.2h Clyde/Tb mare Lucy. She was like riding a huge sofa!

Other Excellent Ground Crew member and I are headed on a road trip next to Mav’s breeder in Alberta to see the horses, try one that’s going and look at the youngsters. I think I can find a home for at least one, assuming I don’t snap one up for myself. I really like her stallion. They all have great minds and are just lovely horses! Stay tuned for those pictures and info of available horses!

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